Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Chapter 13.1 - When Limit At A Point Does Not Exist

In the previous section, we saw two examples which demonstrated the basics of limits. In this section, we will see a few more examples.

Example 3:
This can be written in 3 steps:
1. Fig.13.3 below shows the graph of the function y = f(x) = x2


2. Let us find the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 from the left. For that, we prepare table 13.5 below:

Table 13.5

& {-2}& {\color{green}{-1}}& {-0.5}& {\color{green}{-0.1}}& {-0.01}& {\color{green}{-0.001}}& {-0.0001}
&{} \\

& {4}& {\color{green}{1}}& {0.25}& {\color{green}{0.01}}& {0.0001}& {\color{green}{10^{-6}}}& {10^{-8}}
&{} \\


• It is clear that, as x become closer and closer to 0 from the left, f(x) becomes closer and closer to 0
• We can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow 0^{-}} f(x) = 0$$      

3. Let us find the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 from the right. For that, we prepare table 13.6 below:

Table 13.6 

& {2}& {\color{green}{1}}& {0.5}& {\color{green}{0.1}}& {0.01}& {\color{green}{0.001}}& {0.0001}
&{} \\

& {4}& {\color{green}{1}}& {0.25}& {\color{green}{0.01}}& {0.0001}& {\color{green}{10^{-6}}}& {10^{-8}}
&{} \\


• It is clear that, as x become closer and closer to 0 from the right, f(x) becomes closer and closer to 0
• We can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow 0^{+}} f(x) = 0$$

• In this example, we see that:
   ♦ Left side limit of f(x) at 0 is 0
   ♦ Right side limit of f(x) at 0 is 0
   ♦ Value of f(x) at 0 is also 0
         ✰ That means, limit at 0 can be obtained by putting x = 0.
         ✰ f(x) = x2
         ✰ f(0) = 02 = 0  

Example 4

This can be written in 3 steps:
1. Fig.13.4 below shows the graph of the function: f(x) = 3


2. Let us find the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 from the left. For that, we prepare table 13.7 below:

Table 13.7

& {-2}& {\color{green}{-1}}& {-0.5}& {\color{green}{-0.1}}& {-0.01}& {\color{green}{-0.001}}& {-0.0001}
&{} \\

& {3}& {\color{green}{3}}& {3}& {\color{green}{3}}& {3}& {\color{green}{3}}& {3}
&{} \\


• It is clear that:
   ♦ x become closer and closer to 0 from the left
   ♦ f(x) is 3 for all those increasing values of x
• We can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow 0^{-}} f(x) = 3$$
◼ In fact, we can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow a^{-}} f(x) = 3$$
   ♦ Where 'a' is any real number

• The reader may think that:
   ♦ f(x) is not approaching '3'.
   ♦ '3' is already present.
• This thought is correct.
Even then, we can consider 3 as the limit because, as x approaches 0, there is no value other than '3'. Also, the value '3' will not be exceeded.

3. Let us find the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 from the right. For that, we prepare table 13.8 below:

Table 13.8

& {2}& {\color{green}{1}}& {0.5}& {\color{green}{0.1}}& {0.01}& {\color{green}{0.001}}& {0.0001}
&{} \\

& {3}& {\color{green}{3}}& {3}& {\color{green}{3}}& {3}& {\color{green}{3}}& {3}
&{} \\


• It is clear that:
   ♦ x become closer and closer to 0 from the right
   ♦ f(x) is 3 for all those decreasing values of x
• We can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow 0^{+}} f(x) = 3$$
◼ In fact, we can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow a^{+}} f(x) = 3$$

   ♦ Where 'a' is any real number

• In this example, we see that:
   ♦ Left side limit of f(x) at 0 is 3
   ♦ Right side limit of f(x) at 0 is 3
   ♦ Value of f(x) at 0 is also 3
         ✰ That means, limit at 0 can be obtained by putting x = 0.
         ✰ f(x) = 3
         ✰ f(0) = 3  

Example 5

This can be written in 3 steps:
1. Fig.13.5 below shows the graph of the function:

$$f(x) =
1,  & {x \le 0} \\[2ex]
2, & {x > 0}


• Note that:
   ♦ the point (0,1) is marked with a filled circle.
   ♦ the point (0,2) is marked with an ordinary circle.
• We saw the significance of such markings in fig.13.2 of the previous section.
2. Let us find the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 from the left. For that, we prepare table 13.9 below:

Table 13.9

& {-2}& {\color{green}{-1}}& {-0.5}& {\color{green}{-0.1}}& {-0.01}& {\color{green}{-0.001}}& {-0.0001}
&{} \\

& {1}& {\color{green}{1}}& {1}& {\color{green}{1}}& {1}& {\color{green}{1}}& {1}
&{} \\


• It is clear that:
   ♦ x become closer and closer to 0 from the left
   ♦ f(x) is 1 for all those increasing values of x
• We can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow 0^{-}} f(x) =1$$      

3. Let us find the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 from the right. For that, we prepare table 13.10 below:

Table 13.10

& {2}& {\color{green}{1}}& {0.5}& {\color{green}{0.1}}& {0.01}& {\color{green}{0.001}}& {0.0001}
&{} \\

& {2}& {\color{green}{2}}& {2}& {\color{green}{2}}& {2}& {\color{green}{2}}& {2}
&{} \\


• It is clear that:
   ♦ x become closer and closer to 0 from the right
   ♦ f(x) is 2 for all those decreasing values of x
• We can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow 0^{+}} f(x) = 2$$

• In this example, we see that:
   ♦ Left side limit of f(x) at 0 is 1
   ♦ Right side limit of f(x) at 0 is 2
   ♦ Left side and right side limits are different.
   ♦ In such cases, we say that: limit does not exist.
• In this example,
   ♦ The limit as x approaches zero does not exist.
   ♦ But other limits exist.
         ✰ For example: the limit as x approaches 5 is 2 
         ✰ Another example: the limit as x approaches -7 is 1 

Example 6

This can be written in 3 steps:
1. Fig.13.6 below shows the graph of the function:

$$f(x) =
x-2,  & {x < 0} \\[2ex]
0,  & {x = 0} \\[2ex]
x+2, & {x > 0}


• Note that:
   ♦ the point (0,2) is marked with an ordinary circle.
   ♦ the point (0,-2) is also marked with an ordinary circle.
• We saw the significance of such markings in fig.13.2 of the previous section.
2. Let us find the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 from the left. For that, we prepare table 13.11 below:

Table 13.11

& {-2}& {\color{green}{-1}}& {-0.5}& {\color{green}{-0.1}}& {-0.01}& {\color{green}{-0.001}}& {-0.0001}
&{} \\

& {-4}& {\color{green}{-3}}& {-2.5}& {\color{green}{-2.1}}& {-2.01}& {\color{green}{-2.001}}& {-2.0001}
&{} \\


• It is clear that, as x become closer and closer to 0 from the left, f(x) becomes closer and closer to -2
• We can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow 0^{-}} f(x) = -2$$      

3. Let us find the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 from the right. For that, we prepare table 13.12 below:

Table 13.12

& {2}& {\color{green}{1}}& {0.5}& {\color{green}{0.1}}& {0.01}& {\color{green}{0.001}}& {0.0001}
&{} \\

& {4}& {\color{green}{3}}& {2.5}& {\color{green}{2.1}}& {2.01}& {\color{green}{2.001}}& {2.0001}
&{} \\


• It is clear that, as x become closer and closer to 0 from the right, f(x) becomes closer and closer to 2
• We can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow 0^{+}} f(x) = 2$$

• In this example, we see that:
   ♦ Left side limit of f(x) at 0 is -2
   ♦ Right side limit of f(x) at 0 is 2
   ♦ Left side and right side limits are different.
   ♦ In such cases, we say that: limit does not exist
• In this example,
   ♦ The limit as x approaches zero does not exist.
   ♦ But other limits exist.
         ✰ For example: the limit as x approaches 5 is 7 
         ✰ Another example: the limit as x approaches -8 is -10 

Example 7

This can be written in 3 steps:
1. Fig.13.7 below shows the graph of the function:
$$f(x) =
x+2,  & {x \ne 1} \\[2ex]
0,  & {x = 1}


• Note that:
   ♦ the point (1,0) is marked with a filled circle.
   ♦ the point (1,3) is marked with an ordinary circle.
• We saw the significance of such markings in fig.13.2 of the previous section.
2. Let us find the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 from the left. For that, we prepare table 13.13 below:

Table 13.13

& {-1}& {\color{green}{0.5}}& {0}& {\color{green}{0.5}}& {0.9}& {\color{green}{0.99}}& {0.999}
&{} \\

& {1}& {\color{green}{1.5}}& {2}& {\color{green}{2.5}}& {2.9}& {\color{green}{2.99}}& {2.999}
&{} \\


• It is clear that, as x become closer and closer to 1 from the left, f(x) becomes closer and closer to 3
• We can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow 1^{-}} f(x) = 3$$      

3. Let us find the limit of f(x) as x approaches 1 from the right. For that, we prepare table 13.14 below:

Table 13.14

& {3}& {\color{green}{2}}& {1.5}& {\color{green}{1.1}}& {1.01}& {\color{green}{1.001}}& {1.0001}
&{} \\

& {5}& {\color{green}{4}}& {3.5}& {\color{green}{3.1}}& {3.01}& {\color{green}{3.001}}& {3.0001}
&{} \\


• It is clear that, as x become closer and closer to 1 from the right, f(x) becomes closer and closer to 3
• We can write:
$$\lim_{x\rightarrow 1^{+}} f(x) = 3$$

• In this example, we see that:
   ♦ Left side limit of f(x) at 1 is 3
   ♦ Right side limit of f(x) at 1 is 3
   ♦ Value of f(x) at 1 is not 3

In the next section, we will see a few more examples. 




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