Friday, July 22, 2022

Chapter 7.5 - Combinations

In the previous section, we completed a discussion on permutations. In this section, we will see combinations.

Some basics can be written based on an example. It can be written in 5 steps:
1. Consider a group of 3 players: Player A, Player B and Player C.
• We have to pick out a Captain and a Vice-Captain from among those 3 players.
• No player can hold more than one position. Let us see the various possibilities:
• Possibility 1:
    ♦ Player A is Captain
    ♦ Player B is Vice-Captain
• Possibility 2:
    ♦ Player A is Captain
    ♦ Player C is Vice-Captain
• Possibility 3:
    ♦ Player B is Captain
    ♦ Player A is Vice-Captain
• Possibility 4:
    ♦ Player B is Captain
    ♦ Player C is Vice-Captain
• Possibility 5:
    ♦ Player C is Captain
    ♦ Player A is Vice-Captain
• Possibility 6:
    ♦ Player C is Captain
    ♦ Player B is Vice-Captain
• We see that, there are six possibilities. We have seen this type of problems in the previous sections of this chapter. It is the permutation of 3 players taken two at a time.
• It is important to note that:
    ♦ The permutation with A as Captain and B as Vice-Captain
    ♦ is different from
    ♦ The permutation with B as Captain and A as Vice-Captain
• Similarly:
    ♦ The permutation with C as Captain and B as Vice-Captain
    ♦ is different from
    ♦ The permutation with B as Captain and C as Vice-Captain
◼ So each permutation is unique. There are a total of 6 permutations
2. Now consider the same problem, slightly modified:
• There are 3 players: Player A, Player B and Player C. We have to form a 2-member team, by picking out two players from among them. The two players will have equal status. The various possibilities are:
• Possibility 1:
    ♦ Player A is selected  
    ♦ Player B is selected  
• Possibility 2:
    ♦ Player A is selected  
    ♦ Player C is selected  
• Possibility 3:
    ♦ Player B is selected  
    ♦ Player A is selected  
• Possibility 4:
    ♦ Player B is selected  
    ♦ Player C is selected  
• Possibility 5:
    ♦ Player C is selected  
    ♦ Player A is selected  
• Possibility 6:
    ♦ Player C is selected  
    ♦ Player B is selected  
• We see that, there are 6 possibilities. For the time being, let us say that, the six possibilities are the six permutations.
3. Here we note three interesting facts:
• Fact 1
   ♦ The team with A selected and B selected
   ♦ is not different from
   ♦ The team with B selected and A selected
        ✰ This is because, A and B have equal status in the team.
• Fact 2
   ♦ The team with B selected and C selected
   ♦ is not different from
   ♦ The team with C selected and B selected
        ✰ This is because, B and C have equal status in the team.
• Fact 3
   ♦ The team with C selected and A selected
   ♦ is not different from
   ♦ The team with A selected and C selected
        ✰ This is because, A and C have equal status in the team.
4. So we cannot say that each of 6 possibilities is an unique possibility.
• The number of unique possibilities is in fact 3. We can write those unique 3 possibilities:
• Possibility 1:
    ♦ Player A is selected  
    ♦ Player B is selected 
• Possibility 2:
    ♦ Player B is selected  
    ♦ Player C is selected 
• Possibility 3:
    ♦ Player C is selected  
    ♦ Player A is selected 
• We cannot call those possibilities as permutations.
◼ We call them: Combinations of 3 objects taken 2 at a time.
In the present case, there are three unique combinations.
5. Let us write an important point. It can be written in 3 steps:
(i) Order of players in the team is not important
• For example:
    ♦ Team with player B and Player C
    ♦ is not different from
    ♦ Team with player C and Player B
(ii) If we take order also into consideration, it will be a permutation problem
• It will be the arrangement of 3 players taking two at a time.
• We get: ${}^3P_2~=~\frac{3!}{(3-2)!}~=~\frac{3!}{1!}~=~6$
This is the same result that we obtained in (2)
(iii) But we know that, here order is not important. So it is not a permutation problem.
• It is a combination problem. It is the combination of 3 objects taken two at a time.

Let us see another example. It can be written in 5 steps:
1. Seven people are sitting around in a circle as shown in fig.7.7(a) below.


Each of them shakes hands with all others. How many hand shakes will be there in total?
2. We are inclined to think in this way:
• The first person will be seeing 6 people. So he will have 6 hand shakes.   
• The second person will be seeing 6 people. So he will have 6 hand shakes.   
• The third person will be seeing 6 people. So he will have 6 hand shakes.
• So on . . .
• So altogether, there will be (7 × 6) = 42 hand shakes.
3. But is this answer correct?
Let us analyze fig.b:
• Consider the chord 1-2
    ♦ Person 1 shaking hands with Person 2
    ♦ is same as
    ♦ Person 2 shaking hands with Person 1
    ♦ It is indicated by the chord 1-2   
• Consider the chord 4-7
    ♦ Person 4 shaking hands with Person 7
    ♦ is same as
    ♦ Person 7 shaking hands with Person 4
    ♦ It is indicated by the chord 4-7
◼ In this way, the number of chords will give the actual number of hand shakes.
4. Let us count the number of chords in fig.b
• There are 6 green chords radiating out from 1
• There are 5 magenta chords radiating out from 2
    ♦ (green is already counted)
• There are 4 cyan chords radiating out from 3
    ♦ (green and magenta are already counted)
• There are 3 yellow chords radiating out from 4
    ♦ (green, magenta and cyan are already counted)
• There are 2 orange chords radiating out from 5
    ♦ (green, magenta, cyan and yellow are already counted)
• There is 1 brown chord radiating out from 6
    ♦ (green, magenta, cyan, yellow and orange are already counted)
• All chords radiating out from 7 are already counted.
◼ So we get:
Number of chords = 6+5+4+3+2+1 = 21
◼ Thus we can write:
There are 21 hand shakes.
5. Let us write an important point. It can be written in steps:
(i) Order of hand shakes is not important
• For example:
    ♦ Person 3 shaking hands with Person 7
    ♦ is not different from
    ♦ Person 7 shaking hands with Person 3
(ii) If we take order also into consideration, it will be a permutation problem
• It will be the arrangement of 7 people taking two at a time.
• We get: ${}^7P_2~=~\frac{7!}{(7-2)!}~=~\frac{7!}{5!}~=~42$
This is the same result that we obtained in (2)
(iii) But we know that, hand shakes do not have order. So it is not a permutation problem.
• It is a combination problem. It is the combination of 7 objects taken two at a time.

• Consider the number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time.
   ♦ Let us denote it as: ${}^n C_r$
◼ Based on the first example that we saw above, we can write: ${}^3 C_2~=~3$
   ♦ Recall that ${}^3 P_2~=~6$
   ♦ Is there any relationship between ${}^3 P_2$ and ${}^3 C_2$ ?
◼  Based on the second example that we saw above, we can write: ${}^7 C_2~=~21$
   ♦ Recall that ${}^7 P_2~=~42$
   ♦ Is there any relationship between ${}^7 P_2$ and ${}^7 C_2$ ?
◼ In general, is there any relationship between ${}^n P_r$ and ${}^n C_r$ ?

To find the relationship, we can analyze the first example. It can be written in 4 steps:
1. In example 1, we obtained three combinations: AB, BC and AC
2. Consider the combination AB
• There are two members, A and B
• Those two members can be arranged among themselves in 2! ways.
   ♦ 2! ways is (2 × 1) = 2 ways.
   ♦ They are: AB and BA
3. In this way, inside each combination, there are 2 permutations.
• So the three combinations together will give (3 × 2) = 6 permutations
• Recall that, ${}^3 P_2$ is also 6
4. Now we get an idea about the relation:
   ♦ Number of combinations of n objects taking r at a time $\left({}^n C_r \right)$
   ♦ Multiplied by
   ♦ Number of permutations inside each combination $(r!)$
   ♦ Will give
   ♦ The number of permutations of n objects taking r at a time $\left({}^n P_r \right)$
• So we can write: ${}^n C_r~ × ~ r!~=~{}^n P_r$

Let us analyze the second example and see whether we get the same relation. It can be written in 4 steps:
1. In example 2, we obtained 21 combinations: 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, . . .
2. Consider the combination 1-2
• There are two people, 1 and 2
• Those two people can be arranged among themselves in 2! ways.
   ♦ 2! ways is (2 × 1) = 2 ways.
   ♦ They are: 1-2 and 2-1
3. In this way, inside each combination, there are 2 permutations.
• So the 21 combinations together will give (21 × 2) = 42 permutations
• Recall that, ${}^7 P_2$ is also 42
4. Now we get the same idea as before:
   ♦ Number of combinations of n objects taking r at a time $\left({}^n C_r \right)$
   ♦ Multiplied by
   ♦ Number of permutations inside each combination $(r!)$
   ♦ Will give
   ♦ The number of permutations of n objects taking r at a time $\left({}^n P_r \right)$
• So here also, we can write: ${}^n C_r~ × ~ r!~=~{}^n P_r$

• We analyzed two examples. In both of those examples, we obtained the same result.
• In both of those examples, the number of objects inside the combinations were ‘2’.
• In the next section, we will see another example in which the number of objects inside the combinations is 3.




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