Saturday, October 12, 2024

22.5 - Solved Examples on Tangents And Normals

In the previous section, we saw Tangents and Normals. We saw some solved examples also. In this section, we will see a few more solved examples.

Solved example 22.18
Find the equation of the tangent to the curve
$\rm{y\,=\,\frac{x-7}{(x-2)(x-3)}}$ at the point where it cuts the x-axis.
1. The derivative can be used to find the slope of tangent at any point. So we will first find the derivative.

2. We want the point at which the curve cuts the x-axis.
At that point, the y-coordinate will be zero. So in the equation of the curve, we substitute y by zero. We get:
⇒ x − 7 = 0
⇒ x = 7
• So the required point is: (7,0)

3. Next we want the slope at (7,0). We have:

4. So the equation of the tangent can be written as:
$\rm{y - y_0 ~=~m(x-x_0)}$
⇒ $\rm{y - 0 ~=~\frac{1}{20}(x-7)}$
⇒ 20y = x − 7
⇒ 20y − x + 7 = 0


• The graph is shown in fig.22.18 below:
    ♦ The curve is drawn in red color.
    ♦ The tangent is drawn in green color.

• The tangent is drawn at (7,0)
• The slope triangle has a height of 0.2 units and base of 4 units. So the slope of tangent is 0.2/4 = 1/20

Solved example 22.19
Find the equation of the tangent and normal to the curve
$\rm{x^{2/3} \,+\, y^{2/3}\,=\,2}$ at (1,1).
1. The derivative can be used to find the slope of tangent at any point. So we will first find the derivative.


2. So we can write the slope of the tangent at (1,1):

$\rm{\left. \frac{dy}{dx} \right|_{(1,1)}~=~(-1) \left(\frac{1}{1} \right)^{1/3}~=~-1}$

3. Now we can write the equation of the tangent at (1,1).
y − y0 = m(x − x0)
⇒ y − 1 = (−1)(x − 1)
⇒ y − 1 = −x + 1
⇒ y + x − 2 = 0

4. Slope of the normal is equal to the negative reciprocal of that of the tangent. So slope of the normal is 1.
• Now we can write the equation of the tangent at (1,1).
y − y0 = m(x − x0)
⇒ y − 1 = (1)(x − 1)
⇒ y − 1 = x − 1
⇒ y − x = 0

• The graph is shown in fig.22.19 below:
    ♦ The curve is drawn in red color.
    ♦ The tangent is drawn in green color.


• The tangent is drawn at (1,1)
• The slope triangle has a height of −2 units and base of 2 units. So the slope of tangent is −2/2 = −1

Solved example 22.20
Find the equation of the tangent to the curve given by
$\rm{x \,=\, a \sin^3 t,~~y\,=\,b \cos^3 t}$ at  a point where t = Ļ€/2.
1. The derivative can be used to find the slope of tangent at any point. So we will first find the derivative.

2. Next we want the slope at t = Ļ€/2. We have:
$\rm{\frac{dy}{dx}\,=\,\frac{-a \sin t}{b \cos t}}$
$\rm{~=\,\frac{-a \sin (\pi/2)}{b \cos (\pi/2)}}$
$\rm{~=\,\frac{-b \cos (\pi/2)}{a \sin (\pi/2)}}$
$\rm{~=\,\frac{-b (0)}{a (1)}}~=~0$

3. Next we want the (x,y) coordinates at t = Ļ€/2
$\rm{x \,=\, a \sin^3 (\pi/2)\,=\,a (1)^3 \,=\,a}$
$\rm{y\,=\,b \cos^3 (\pi/2)\,=\,b(0)^3 = 0}$

4. The slope of the tangent is zero. That means, the tangent is horizontal. So we can write the equation of the tangent just by using the y-coordinate obtained in (4).
• We get: y = 0

5. Fig.22.20 below shows the graph of the given function.
• It is assumed that, a = 3 and b = 4
• So the point (a,0) is (3,0)


• We see that:
If we draw the tangent at (3,0), it will be same as the x-axis.
• So the equation of the tangent is: y = 0

The link below gives a few more solved examples:

Exercise 22.3

In the next section, we will see Approximations.



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Thursday, September 26, 2024

22.4 - Tangents And Normals

In the previous section, we completed a discussion on the Derivative test which help us to find whether a given function is increasing or decreasing. In this section, we will see Tangents and Normals.

Some basic details can be written in 9 steps:
1. In analytic geometry classes, we saw that:
Equation of a straight line passing through (x0,y0) is given by
y – y0 = m(x – x0)
    ♦ Here m is the slope of that straight line.
2. So if we know the slope m, we can easily write the equation of the straight line passing through any given point (x0,y0).
3. Now consider a curve given by y = f(x).
• We have seen numerous curves of this type, in the previous sections.
• For example, f(x) = x3 – 3x2 + 3 is a curve.
• If we want to plot that curve on the xy-plane, we can write:
y = x3 – 3x2 + 3
4. Mark some random points on any given curve. Draw tangents through each of those points. We know that, no two tangents will be the same. This is because each tangent will have it’s own slope.
5. Suppose that, we want a tangent at a particular point (x0,y0).
• Based on (1) and (2) above, we can easily draw that tangent if we know the slope of the tangent at (x0,y0)
• But the slope of the tangent at (x0,y0) is f'(x0).
• So the equation of the required tangent is:
y – y0 = f'(x0)(x – x0)
6. Now we can write the equation of the normal also at (x0,y0).
• For that, we make use of the following fact:
Slope of the perpendicular line is the negative reciprocal of the slope of the original line.
• We can write:
Equation of the required normal is:
$\rm{y - y_0 \,=\,\frac{-1}{f'(x_0)} (x - x_0)}$
7. Suppose that, f'(x0) = 0
• Then it means that, the tangent at (x0,y0) is parallel to the x-axis.
• In such a situation, we can straight away write the equation of the tangent at (x0,y0) as: y = y0
8. Suppose that, f'(x0) tends to ∞.
• Then it means that, the tangent at (x0,y0) tends to be parallel to the y-axis.
• In such a situation, we can straight away write the equation of the tangent at (x0,y0) as: x = x0
9. The following information will be very useful while solving some types of problems. It can be written in 2 steps:
(i) If šœƒ is the angle which a straight line makes with the +ve direction of the x-axis, then slope of that straight line will be equal to tan šœƒ. (We saw this in analytic geometry classes)
(ii) So we can write:
If the tangent at (x0,y0) makes an angle šœƒ with the +ve direction of the x-axis, then f'(x0) = tan šœƒ.

Now we will see some solved examples:
Solved example 22.14
Find the slope of the tangent to the curve y = x3 − x at x = 2
• Slope of the tangent at x = 2 is $\rm{\left. \frac{dy}{dx} \right |_{x = 2}}$
• It can be calculated as shown below:

• The graphs are shown in fig.22.14 below.
    ♦ The curve is drawn in red color.
    ♦ The tangent at x = 2 is drawn in green color.


• We see that, slope of the green line is 11.

Solved example 22.15
Find the point at which the tangent to the curve $\rm{y = \sqrt{4x – 3} ~-~1}$ has its slope $\rm{\frac{2}{3}}$.
1. The derivative can be used to find the slope of tangent at any point. So we will first find the derivative.

2. The slope must be 2/3. So we can write:

3. Equation of the curve is: $\rm{y = \sqrt{4x – 3} ~-~1}$
• When x = 3, we get:
$\rm{y = \sqrt{4(3) – 3} ~-~1}~=~2$

4. Therefore, we can write:
Mark the point (3,2) on the given curve. Draw the tangent at that point. Slope of that tangent will be 2/3.

• The graph is shown in fig.22.15 below:
    ♦ The curve is drawn in red color.
    ♦ The tangent at (3,2) is drawn in green color.


• We see that, slope of the green line is 2/3 = 0.67

Note: In the above graph, we do not see much red curve below the x-axis. The reason can be written in 4 steps:
(i) When x = 3, we can write:
$\rm{y = \sqrt{4(3) – 3} ~-~1}~=~(\pm 3 -1)~=~2~\text{OR}~-4$
So (3, −4) is a possible point on the graph. But it is not plotted.
(ii) Another example:
When x = 7, we can write:
$\rm{y = \sqrt{4(7) – 3} ~-~1}~=~(\pm 5 -1)~=~4~\text{OR}~-6$
So (7, −6) is a possible point on the graph. But it is not plotted.
(iii) We do not plot such points. If we do, then it means that, for inputs like x = 3, 7 etc., there will be two outputs.
• If there are two outputs, we cannot call it a function.
(iv) So we restrict the output values (range).

Solved example 22.16
Find the equation of all lines having slope 2 and being tangent to the curve $\rm{y + \frac{2}{x - 3}~=~0}$.
1. The derivative can be used to find the slope of tangent at any point. So we will first find the derivative.

2. The slope must be 2. So we can write:

3. Equation of the curve is: $\rm{y + \frac{2}{x - 3}~=~0}$
• When x = 4, we get:
$\rm{y = \frac{2}{3 - x}~=~\frac{2}{3 - 4}~=~-2}$
• When x = 2, we get:
$\rm{y = \frac{2}{3 - x}~=~\frac{2}{3 - 2}~=~2}$

4. Therefore, we can write:
There are two points (4,−2) and (2,2). Mark those two points on the given curve. Draw the tangent at each of those points. The two tangents will be parallel to each other with a slope of 2.

• The graph is shown in fig.22.16 below:
    ♦ The curve is drawn in red color.
    ♦ The tangents are drawn in green color.


• We see that, slope of the green lines is 2

5. Now we want the equation of the two tangents. We can use the general equation:
y – y0 = m(x – x0)
• So the equation of the tangent through (2,2) is:
y – 2 = 2(x – 2)
⇒ y − 2 = 2x − 4
⇒ y − 2x + 2 = 0
• Similarly, the equation of the tangent through (4,−2) is:
y – (−2) = 2(x – 4)
⇒ y + 2 = 2x − 8
⇒ y − 2x + 10 = 0

Solved example 22.17
Find points on the curve $\rm{\frac{x^2}{4}\,+\,\frac{y^2}{25}\,=\,1}$ at which tangents are (i) parallel to x-axis (ii) parallel to y-axis.
• The derivative can be used to find the slope of tangent at any point. So we will first find the derivative.

Part (i): Tangents parallel to x-axis
1. Consider the points where tangents are parallel to the x-axis.
• Those tangents will have a slope of zero. So we can write:

2. When x = 0, we get:

3. So the points are: (0,5) and (0,−5)
The tangents at these points are parallel to the x-axis.

• The graph is shown in fig.22.16 below:
    ♦ The curve is drawn in red color.
    ♦ The tangents are drawn in green color.


Part (ii): Tangents parallel to y-axis
1. Consider the points where tangents are parallel to the y-axis.
• The normals at those points will have a slope of zero. Slope of normal is the negative reciprocal of that of tangent. So we can write:

2. When y = 0, we get:

3. So the points are: (2,0) and (−2,0)
• The normals at these points are parallel to the x-axis.
• Consequently, the tangents at these points are parallel to the y-axis. They are drawn in magenta color in fig.22.17 above.

In the next section, we will see a few more solved examples.




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Sunday, September 8, 2024

22.3 - Solved Examples on Increasing And Decreasing Functions

In the previous section, we saw the derivative test which help us to find whether a given function is increasing or decreasing. We saw a solved example also. In this section, we will see a few more solved examples.

Solved example 22.9
Prove that the function given by f(x) = cos x is
(a) strictly decreasing in (0, Ļ€).
(b) strictly increasing in (Ļ€, 2Ļ€).
(c) neither increasing nor decreasing in (0,2Ļ€).
First we write the derivative: f'(x) = −sin x

Part (a):
1. The interval that we need to consider in part (a) is (0,Ļ€).
2. This interval indicates I and II quadrants. In I and II quadrants, sine is always +ve. So −sin x will be −ve.
3. We can write:
f'(x) < 0. So f(x) is strictly decreasing in this interval.
4. Note that (0,Ļ€) is an open interval. So zero and Ļ€ are not included. At zero and Ļ€, sine becomes zero. Since the boundaries are not included, we will not obtain f'(x) ≤ 0.
• So f(x) is not just decreasing, it is strictly decreasing.

Part (b):
1. The interval that we need to consider in part (b) is (Ļ€,2Ļ€).
2. This interval indicates III and IV quadrants. In III and IV quadrants, sine is always −ve. So −sin x will be +ve.
3. We can write:
f'(x) > 0. So f(x) is strictly increasing in this interval.
4. Note that (Ļ€,2Ļ€) is an open interval. So Ļ€ and 2Ļ€ are not included. At Ļ€ and 2Ļ€, sine becomes zero. Since the boundaries are not included, we will not obtain f'(x) ≥ 0.
• So f(x) is not just increasing, it is strictly increasing.

Part (c):
1. The interval that we need to consider in part (c) is (0,2Ļ€).
2. This interval indicates all the four quadrants. It includes both the intervals in parts (a) and (b).
3. So in (0,2Ļ€), f(x) is neither increasing nor decreasing.
• Fig.22.5 below shows the graphs:
   ♦ f(x) = cos x (red curve)
   ♦ f'(x) = −sin x (yellow curve)


• We see that:
   ♦ In the interval (0,Ļ€),
         ✰ yellow curve is −ve
         ✰ red curve is decreasing
   ♦ In the interval (Ļ€,2Ļ€),
         ✰ yellow curve is +ve
         ✰ red curve is increasing

Solved example 22.10
Find the intervals in which the function given by
f(x) = x2 − 4x + 6 is
(a) strictly increasing.
(b) strictly decreasing.
First we write the derivative: f'(x) = 2x −4

Part (a):
1. For f(x) to be strictly increasing, f'(x) > 0.
2. So we can write:
$\begin{array}{ll} {~\color{magenta}    1    }    &{{}}    &{2x - 4}    & {~>~}    &{0}    \\
{~\color{magenta}    2    }    &{\implies}    &{2x}    & {~>~}    &{4}    \\
{~\color{magenta}    3    }    &{\implies}    &{x}    & {~>~}    &{2}    \\
(This is a linear inequality. We have seen how to solve such inequalities in chapter 6 of class 11. Details here)                                       
3. That means, x can be any real number greater than 2. In such a situation, f(x) will be strictly increasing.
• In other words, f(x) will be strictly increasing in the interval (2,∞).
• We can represent this on a real number line as shown in fig.22.6(a) below:


4. Note that (2,∞) is an open interval. So 2 and ∞ are not included. At 2, f'(x) becomes zero. Since the boundary 2 is not included, we will not obtain f'(x) ≥ 0.
• So f(x) is not just increasing, it is strictly increasing.

Part (b):
1. For f(x) to be strictly decreasing, f'(x) < 0.
2. So we can write:
$\begin{array}{ll} {~\color{magenta}    1    }    &{{}}    &{2x - 4}    & {~<~}    &{0}    \\
{~\color{magenta}    2    }    &{\implies}    &{2x}    & {~<~}    &{4}    \\
{~\color{magenta}    3    }    &{\implies}    &{x}    & {~<~}    &{2}    \\
3. That means, x can be any real number less than 2. In such a situation, f(x) will be strictly decreasing.
• In other words, f(x) will be strictly decreasing in the interval (−∞,2).
• We can represent this on a real number line as shown in fig.22.6(b) above.
4. Note that (−∞,2) is an open interval. So −∞ and 2 are not included. At 2, f'(x) becomes zero. Since the boundary 2 is not included, we will not obtain f'(x) ≤ 0.
• So f(x) is not just decreasing, it is strictly decreasing.

• Fig.22.7 below shows the graphs:
   ♦ f(x) = x2 − 4x + 6 (red curve)
   ♦ f'(x) = 2x −4 (yellow curve)


• We see that:
   ♦ In the interval (−∞,2),
         ✰ yellow line is −ve
         ✰ red curve is decreasing
   ♦ In the interval (2,∞),
         ✰ yellow line is +ve
         ✰ red curve is increasing
    ♦ At x = 2, f'(x) = 0
        ✰ Here, f(x) is neither increasing, nor decreasing

Solved example 22.11
Find the intervals in which the function given by
f(x) = 4x3 − 6x2 − 72x + 30 is
(a) strictly increasing.
(b) strictly decreasing.
First we write the derivative: f'(x) = 12x2 −12x − 72
= 12(x2 − x − 6)
= 12(x − 3)(x + 2)

Part (a):
1. For f(x) to be strictly increasing, f'(x) > 0.
2. So we can write:
12(x − 3)(x + 2) > 0
• For this inequality to be true,
x must be either greater than 3 or less than −2
(In the previous problem, we obtained a linear inequality. It can be solved easily. But here, the inequality is not linear. We need to examine it carefully to find the appropriate x values)
• x > 3 and x < −2 is possible only in two intervals:
(3,∞) and (−∞,−2)
• We can represent this on a real number line as shown in fig.22.8(a) below:


3. Note that both are open intervals. So 3 and −2 are not included. At those points, f'(x) becomes zero. Since they are not included, we will not obtain f'(x) ≥ 0.
• So f(x) is not just increasing, it is strictly increasing. 

Part (b):
1. For f(x) to be strictly decreasing, f'(x) < 0.
2. So we can write:
12(x − 3)(x + 2) < 0
• This is possible only in one interval:
• We can represent this on a real number line as shown in fig.22.8(b) above.
3. Note that it is an open interval. So −2 and 3 are not included. At those points, f'(x) becomes zero. Since they are not included, we will not obtain f'(x) ≤ 0.
• So f(x) is not just decreasing, it is strictly decreasing.

• Fig.22.9 below shows the graphs:
   ♦ f(x) = 4x3 − 6x2 − 72x + 30 (red curve)
   ♦ f'(x) = 12x2 −12x − 72 (yellow curve)


• We see that:
   ♦ To the left of x = −2,
         ✰ yellow curve is +ve
         ✰ red curve is increasing
   ♦ Between x = −2 and x = 3,
         ✰ yellow curve is −ve
         ✰ red curve is decreasing
   ♦ To the right of x = 3,
         ✰ yellow curve is +ve
         ✰ red curve is increasing
    ♦ At x = −2, f'(x) = 0
        ✰ Here, f(x) is neither increasing, nor decreasing
    ♦ At x = 3, f'(x) = 0
        ✰ Here, f(x) is neither increasing, nor decreasing

Solved example 22.12
Find the intervals in which the function given by
$\rm{f(x)~=~\sin 3x, ~x \in  \left[0,\frac{\pi}{2} \right]}$ is
(a) increasing
(b) decreasing
First we write the derivative: f'(x) = 3 cos 3x

Part (a):
1. For f(x) to be increasing, f'(x) ≥ 0.
2. So we can write: 3 cos 3x ≥ 0
3. To solve this inequality, we will first write it as an equation. We get: 3 cos 3x = 0
This is possible only if cos 3x = 0.

4. This is a trigonometric equation. We will find the general solution. From the general solution, we can pickup the appropriate values.

For finding the general solution of cosine functions, we must use theorem 2 which we saw in chapter 3. Details here.

• For any real numbers x and y
cos x = cos y implies x = 2nšž¹ ± y, where n ∈ Z

• In the place of cos x, we have cos 3x.
• In the place of cos y, we have zero, which is cos (Ļ€/2).
So we can write:
cos 3x = cos (Ļ€/2) implies 3x = 2nšž¹ ± (Ļ€/2), where n ∈ Z
• This can be simplified as follows:

5. Now we can put various values of n. We get:

We see that:
• n = −1 and n = − 2 give x values out side the domain $\rm{  \left[0,\frac{\pi}{2} \right]}$
So we need not test for n values below −2
• n = 2 also gives x values out side the domain. So we need not test for n values above 2.
• Consider the following values
    ♦ $x = \rm{\frac{\pi}{6}}$ obtained when n = 0
    ♦ $x = \rm{\frac{\pi}{2}}$ obtained when n = 1
These are the only values which are present in the domain. The derivative becomes zero at these two values.

6. Let us mark the two acceptable values on the real number line. It is shown in fig.22.10 below:


• A and B are the boundaries of the domain. Point C divides AB into two parts.
   ♦ In one of these two parts, f(x) will be increasing.
   ♦ In the other part, f(x) will be decreasing.
7. Let us consider an input x from between A and C. We get:
$\rm{0 \lt x \lt \frac{\pi}{6}}$
⇒ $\rm{0 \lt 3x \lt \frac{\pi}{2}}$
• The input for cosine is "3x". This "3x" is increasing from 0 to $\rm{\frac{\pi}{2}}$.
• So "3x" is in the quadrant I. In that quadrant, cosine is always +ve.
• That means, if we take an input from between A and C, cos 3x will be greater than zero.
• In other words, if we take an input from between A and C, f'(x) will be greater than zero.
• Therefore, f(x) is strictly increasing in $\rm{\left(0,\frac{\pi}{6} \right)}$

8. Suppose that, the input is the exact point A.
Then we get: cos 3x = cos 0 = 1
Here also, f'(x) is greater than zero. So it is strictly increasing.

9. Suppose that, the input is the exact point C.
Then we get: $\rm{\cos 3x ~=~\cos \left(3 \times \frac{\pi}{6} \right)~=~\cos \frac{\pi}{2}~=~0}$
Here, f'(x) is equal to zero. So it is just increasing. Not strictly increasing.

10. Based on (7), (8) and (9), we can write:
   ♦ f(x) is strictly increasing on $\rm{\left[0,\frac{\pi}{6} \right)}$
   ♦ f(x) is increasing on $\rm{\left[0,\frac{\pi}{6} \right]}$

11. Let us consider an input x from between C and B. We get:
$\rm{\frac{\pi}{6} \lt x \lt \frac{\pi}{2}}$
⇒ $\rm{\frac{\pi}{2} \lt 3x \lt \frac{3 \pi}{2}}$
• The input for cosine is "3x". This "3x" is increasing from $\rm{\frac{\pi}{2}}$ to $\rm{\frac{3 \pi}{2}}$.
• So "3x" is in the quadrants II and III. In those quadrants, cosine is always −ve.
• That means, if we take an input from between C and B, cos 3x will be less than zero.
• In other words, if we take an input from between C and B, f'(x) will be less than zero.
• Therefore, f(x) is strictly decreasing in $\rm{\left( \frac{\pi}{6} , \frac{\pi}{2} \right)}$

12. Suppose that, the input is the exact point C.
• Then we get: $\rm{\cos 3x \,=\, \cos \left(3 \times \frac{\pi}{6} \right) \,=\, \cos \frac{\pi}{2} \,=\,0}$
• Here, f'(x) is equal to zero. So it is just decreasing, Not strictly decreasing.

13. Suppose that, the input is the exact point B.
• Then we get: $\rm{\cos 3x ~=~\cos \left(3 \times \frac{\pi}{2} \right)~=~\cos \frac{3 \pi}{2}~=~0}$
• Here, f'(x) is equal to zero. So it is just decreasing, Not strictly decreasing.

14. Based on (11), (12) and (13), we can write:
   ♦ f(x) is strictly decreasing in $\rm{\left( \frac{\pi}{6} , \frac{\pi}{2} \right)}$
   ♦ f(x) is increasing on $\rm{\left[ \frac{\pi}{6} , \frac{\pi}{2} \right]}$

• Fig.22.11 below shows the graphs:
   ♦ f(x) = sin 3x
   ♦ f'(x) = 3 cos 3x


• We see that:
   ♦ Between A and C,
         ✰ yellow curve is +ve
         ✰ red curve is increasing
   ♦ Between C and B,
         ✰ yellow curve is −ve
         ✰ red curve is decreasing
    ♦ At x = Ļ€/6, f'(x) = 0
        ✰ Here, f(x) is neither increasing, nor decreasing
    ♦ At x = Ļ€/2, f'(x) = 0
        ✰ Here, f(x) is neither increasing, nor decreasing

Solved example 22.13
Find the intervals in which the function given by
$\rm{f(x)~=~\sin x \,+\, \cos x, ~x \in  \left[0,2 \pi \right]}$ is
(a) Strictly increasing
(b) Strictly decreasing
First we write the derivative: f'(x) = cos x − sin x

1. For f(x) to be increasing, f'(x) > 0.
2. So we can write: cos x − sin x > 0
3. To solve this inequality, we will first write it as an equation. We get: cos x − sin x = 0
⇒ cos x = sin x
⇒ cos x = cos (Ļ€/2 − x)

4. This is a trigonometric equation. We will find the general solution. From the general solution, we can pickup the appropriate values.

For finding the general solution of cosine functions, we must use theorem 2 which we saw in chapter 3. Details here.

• For any real numbers x and y
cos x = cos y implies x = 2nšž¹ ± y, where n ∈ Z

• In the place of cos x, we have cos x.
• In the place of cos y, we have cos (Ļ€/2 − x).
So we can write:
cos x = cos (Ļ€/2 − x) implies x = 2nšž¹ ± (Ļ€/2 − x), where n ∈ Z
• This can be simplified as follows:

5. Now we can put various values of n. We get:

We see that:
• n = −1 and n = − 2 give x values out side the domain $\rm{  \left[0,2 \pi \right]}$
So we need not test for n values below −2
• n = 2 also gives x values out side the domain. So we need not test for n values above 2.
• Consider the following values
    ♦ $x = \rm{\frac{\pi}{4}}$ obtained when n = 0
    ♦ $x = \rm{\frac{5 \pi}{4}}$ obtained when n = 1
These are the only values which are present in the domain. The derivative becomes zero at these two values.

6. Let us mark the two acceptable values on the real number line. It is shown in fig.22.12 below:


• A and B are the boundaries of the domain. Points C and D divide AB into three parts. AC, CD and DB. We need to analyze each of the three parts.

7. For easy analysis, it is better to rearrange f'(x) as the product of two trigonometric functions. This can be done as follows:
$\begin{array}{ll}  &{\color{magenta}1}    &{}    &{f’(x)}    &{}={}    &{\cos x - \sin x}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}2}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{\cos x - \cos \left(\frac{\pi}{2} – x \right)}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}3}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-2 \sin \left(\frac{x + \pi/2 - x}{2} \right) \sin \left(\frac{x - \pi/2 + x}{2} \right)}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}4}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-2 \sin \left(\frac{\pi}{4} \right) \sin \left(x - \frac{\pi}{4} \right)}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}5}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-2 \frac{1}{\sqrt 2} \sin \left(x - \frac{\pi}{4} \right)}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}6}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-{\sqrt 2} \sin \left(x - \frac{\pi}{4} \right)}    &{} \\

8. Let us consider the first interval AC.
• When the input x from between A and C, x will be less than $\frac{\pi}{4}$
• So $(x - \frac{\pi}{4})$ will be −ve.
$\implies \sin(x - \frac{\pi}{4})$ is −ve.
$\implies -\sqrt{2}\sin(x - \frac{\pi}{4})$ is +ve`.

9. Suppose that, the input is the exact point A.
Then we get:
$\begin{array}{ll}  &{\color{magenta}1}    &{}    &{f’(x)}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(x - \frac{\pi}{4})}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}2}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(0 - \frac{\pi}{4})}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}3}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(- \frac{\pi}{4})}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}4}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2} . -\sqrt{2}}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}5}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{\sqrt{2}}    &{} \\
• Here also, f'(x) is +ve. So it is strictly increasing.

10. Suppose that, the input is the exact point C.
Then we get:
$\begin{array}{ll}  &{\color{magenta}1}    &{}    &{f’(x)}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(x - \frac{\pi}{4})}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}2}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(\frac{\pi}{4} - \frac{\pi}{4})}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}3}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(0)}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}4}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{0}    &{} \\
• f'(x) is zero. So at C, the given function is just increasing. Not strictly increasing.

11. We are asked to find the intervals where the function is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing. Based on (8), (9) and (10), we can write:
   ♦ f(x) is strictly increasing on $\rm{\left[0,\frac{\pi}{4} \right)}$

12. Let us consider the second interval CD.
• When the input x from between C and D, x will be between $\frac{\pi}{4}$ and $\frac{5 \pi}{4}$
• So $(x - \frac{\pi}{4})$ will be between zero and Ļ€. It is the I and II quadrants.
$\implies \sin(x - \frac{\pi}{4})$ is +ve.
$\implies -\sqrt{2}\sin(x - \frac{\pi}{4})$ is −ve.

13. Suppose that, the input is the exact point C.
• This is same as (10) above.
• f'(x) is zero. So at C, the given function is just decreasing. Not strictly decreasing.

14. Suppose that, the input is the exact point D.
Then we get:
\begin{array}{ll}  &{\color{magenta}1}    &{}    &{f’(x)}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(x - \frac{\pi}{4})}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}2}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(\frac{5 \pi}{4} - \frac{\pi}{4})}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}3}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(\pi)}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}4}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{0}    &{} \\
• Here also, f'(x) is zero. So at D, the given function is just decreasing. Not strictly decreasing.

15. Based on (12), (13) and (14), we can write:
   ♦ f(x) is strictly decreasing in $\rm{\left( \frac{\pi}{4} , \frac{5 \pi}{4} \right)}$

16. Let us consider the last interval DB.
• When the input x from between D and B, x will be between $\frac{5 \pi}{4}$ and 2Ļ€.
• So $(x - \frac{\pi}{4})$ will be between Ļ€ and $\frac{7 \pi}{4}$. It is the III and IV quadrants.
$\implies \sin(x - \frac{\pi}{4})$ is −ve.
$\implies -\sqrt{2}\sin(x - \frac{\pi}{4})$ is +ve.

17. Suppose that, the input is the exact point D.
• This is same as (14) above.
• f'(x) is zero. So at D, the given function is just increasing. Not strictly increasing.

18. Suppose that, the input is the exact point B.
Then we get:
\begin{array}{ll}  &{\color{magenta}1}    &{}    &{f’(x)}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(x - \frac{\pi}{4})}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}2}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2}\sin(2 \pi - \frac{\pi}{4})}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}3}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2} \left( -\sin \frac{\pi}{4} \right)}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}4}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{-\sqrt{2} . -\sqrt{2}}    &{} \\
&{~\color{magenta}5}    &{}    &{{}}    &{}={}    &{2}    &{} \\

• f'(x) is +ve. So at D, the given function is strictly increasing.

19. Based on (16), (17) and (18), we can write:
   ♦ f(x) is strictly increasing on $\rm{\left(\frac{5 \pi}{4}, 2 \pi \right]}$

• Fig.22.11 below shows the graphs:
   ♦ f(x) = sin x + cos x (red color)
   ♦ f'(x) = cos x − sin x (yellow color)


• We see that:
   ♦ Between A and C,
         ✰ yellow curve is +ve
         ✰ red curve is increasing
   ♦ Between C and D,
         ✰ yellow curve is −ve
         ✰ red curve is decreasing
   ♦ Between D and B,
         ✰ yellow curve is +ve
         ✰ red curve is increasing
    ♦ At x = C, f'(x) = 0
        ✰ Here, f(x) is neither increasing, nor decreasing
    ♦ At x = D, f'(x) = 0
        ✰ Here, f(x) is neither increasing, nor decreasing

The link below gives a few more solved examples:

Exercise 22.2

In the next section, we will see tangents and normals.




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